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  • classyvegan3

What if we taught all boys, I wondered, to appreciate this sort of rejection as a form of care?

The article is in the link provided:

Gripes, and the liaison of what matters.

While reading this article the emotions of her description have been a few if not many instances of being a young beautiful women in society.

Not only a responsibly but a threat.

Quotes from Article:

"There were few people who seemed capable of the deep attention required to actually know what they wanted, especially when faced with the wants of someone else."

"Social norms feel more solid than they are. They discipline us to behave in ways that, ideally, protect our larger society, though that society was not designed to protect everyone. The past year has revealed the plasticity of our social conventions. Now we recoil from outstretched hands and cringe while watching movies in which maskless characters embrace with abandon. If we want to change the ways we touch more permanently, we can. If we want to normalize the sovereignty of all bodies in our society, we can. I am divesting from the system of manners that conditions me to censor my own body in ways that prioritize the desires of others over my own."

"What if we taught all boys, I wondered, to appreciate this sort of rejection as a form of care?"

The article is in the link provided:

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