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Newly Year ..


Another year has passed. Have we grown or have we suppressed? Well, as many have expressed " 2022 is much better than 2021, without a doubt"

Having started my yoga routine (after 4 years) and feeling those inklings of past shine hope and warm delight into my soul. Which promises me that life's getting better.

Since having removed me

from working restaurants. I had the experience of starting a kitchen at a Daycare. The very thought of working closely with children seemed to be enjoyable. Oh, My word!! was it a lesson? I mean these are some of the most critical little earthlings to have created food for. Forget the quantity of preparing for over 60 little mouths day in and day out. The likes and dislikes and I haven't even gotten to the ones that actually have allergies and specific diets.

Having expanded my wings of knowledge and gain. I am happy to have had this experience. I met some wonderful colleagues, women who share the same view. Nannies and teachers who give their time to take care of someone else's child on a daily basis.

Despite the "politics' behind any corporate or educational institute, I have moved on to doing work with individuals. Creating menus I know they'll love !!!

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15 февр. 2022 г.

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