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  • classyvegan3

All things delicious ...

I'm not here to blight anyone or thing.

But having a female voice these days is a dime a dozen. People speaking up for freedom in all aspects of the world.

It's a sick sad world to know that after 1000 years humans are still unable to live in harmony.

That now in order to develop one's skills these days, someone has to sell you something that you already had.

I am happy to see a vail lifted in response to a healthier consciousness.

Personal note: In over 4 years I haven't danced, enjoyed yoga or felt the desire to skip in public. Being a spontaneous human myself, I know something was entirely wrong. Not with me. But with all of humanity. I felt like a flower that has been stepped on and crushed. Stifled from the one thing of what is my desire. LOVE. And not just romantic love. But genuine kind-hearted love. The eyes of compassion. The gratitude of a kind gesture.

Having the courage to change my career, being a woman, and Plant-Based Vegan. I must be crazy!! Being a humanitarian for the earth, not just for the people. It was difficult to maneuver through but alas, strength and perseverance brings forth new hope.

Moving forward with this blog, there are very few things that gripe me.

Enough with all this complaining and pointing fingers.

As Mahatma Gandhi famously said,

"You must be the change you want to see in the world."

In other words, although life changes are inevitable, we can also initiate personal change so we can rise to the challenge and become a bigger and better person as a result."

My take away from all this, change starts from within. And in order to love bigger, you must truly ask yourself, " Am I in love with the person I truly am?"

The past is gone, golden rules and morale values are renewed and we must roll with the tides of change.

When I first started writing this entry, I wanted to gripe about how some people abuse their liberties. And oh! boy this and Shesh that!

But instead going with the inspired flow and my natural abilities to just love and share kind hearted words has turned out a pretty good read for some.

I hope this lands you well. Be well and stay safe.


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