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  • classyvegan3

A Recipe for Disaster...?

The World is my stage and I'm using this platform as my means to communicate the

- How's & -Why's some food diets are beneficial and others are just reasonable cause to "86" from the start.

I guess, a brief intro of who I am and what it is I have done in my life, so you have some background to understand my concerns.

Hello there! Some call me Chef others call me Teresa.

Either way, just don't "call me" late for dinner!

I know the corniest yolk, but I think it's high time we bring back the innocence we have been without for the past few years. Happy 2021!

For the past Seventeen years I have worked in NYC Restaurants, High-End Catering, Pop-Up Kitchens with Celebrity Chefs and Delighted in Private / Personal Chef gigs.

From getting my feet wet in Fast-Paced some Michelin / Zagat rated establishments. Other Small business cafes where I found my love for gluten-free and vegan baking.

Having mastered my chef on countless clocks of "thyme" in the NYC Restaurant schedule, I have also noticed I enjoy contracting myself out to successful venture capitalists that know how to put their money into good use.

I slowly noticed my continuous gravitation towards a PlantBased Chef experience.

Knowing I have a true wonderment to help people eat healthier but still enjoy the flavor of life. Going plant-based doesn't have to exclude your taste buds.

By having stated all this, so whoever is reading, knows I mean business when it comes to my love for creating damn good food.

Another key factor I would like to point out is, I too am on a plant-based diet.

Since the age of sixteen, it started with me noticing a "cruelty-free label" on the back of an AVEDA hair product.

Now, this was back in the early 90s, when veganism was scarce to the mainstream and only straight-edge punks were eating plant-based diets, at least that's what I could remember.

I mostly ate a light fare but loved my fruits and vegetables.

Not until I was almost in my Mid-twenties did I start to remove red meat altogether.

I occasionally ate Higher End of cuisine, I mean, after all, I am a Chef.

And had my pick of top-shelf ingredients.

But, for the past six years now I have eaten vegan and choose to call it plant-based.

As before I understood that most people are out to judge you always and to keep the Crazed psychological freaks from giving me the "evil eye" my spoken choice is Plant-Based, as this term is easier to relate to or digest.

I also feel it's a transitional word to help people feel better about what they eat, rather than cut off a "limb" or "firing squad" for not being a strict vegan.

Veganism is a very strict diet and can be rather difficult for most people to follow.

And that's okay.

I believe it's not meant for everyone, but plant-based is a great alternative to help keep that ball rolling.

SO, for all that chose to follow me and are still reading this, my stance on vegan or plant-based is as follows.

I love to think of myself as a humanitarian.

Whereas Vegan Activists are fighting that unspoken "beast of burden" for the poor animals. I'm trying to help out on the earthly end to ease the carbon footprint.

I could go deeper with my response, but I'll save that for another blog.

I do want to thank all who read through my first long overdo ramble.

Stay Safe & Namaste! 🙏🏼


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